Reading B's
Feb. 5th 2003
I mistook the day and thought that today was Thursday. So we won't be getting the luggage back quite as quickly as I had hoped. I am washing the three pairs of pants and socks in the basin in my room, and recycling the shirts. Nice. Okay, it is hot but no one has keeled over yet. I'm not the only one having to recycle though.

The amharic is starting to make sense. Once at the hotel (tomorrow), I will be able to go into town to change money and buy a dictionary and fidel script guide. I am able to recognise some of the 'B' characters now. The Ababa when written in fidel has only three letters. Two of these represent 'b's. Ababa is sometimes written Abeba which would be a better translation from the limited knowledge I currently have.

The day has mostly been training with no field trips or other 'exciting' assignment. One of the office staff took time over lunch to explain the script to us and it was fascinating. Once I have a better understanding, I might provide a description.

Alright the socks do smell.